Monday, December 29, 2008


Because a girl like you is impossible to find......
Shit phone.. Feel like throwing it away...
I so damn emo already still wanna play stupid songs on shuffling mode..
Fall for you, Crush, Breathless, So close... Jus make me wanna laugh!
Now my phone wanna make me go crazieeeee...
Bad day, bad timing, bad move. SHIT!
Confessed, walked off like a total loser, got rejected, CLOSE SHOP.
If you wanna stay faithful, puh-lease dun fucking gimme hope..
I dun understand you... Thanks for waking me up anyway..
I am young, childish and dumb! THIS IS SO COOL! xD
I dunno when can the wounds heal.. But thank god for cool frens!
New year present? Another failure ; proven loser!
You're right. This is just a crush..Get over it. *clap clap clap!*
Now what i say also useless edi. Another dumb year, another dumb crush.
Wish you guys best of luck. Im stepping back. xD

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